
Hooks allow you to control how ellipsis interacts with your package, and how various commands are executed against your package. Say for instance you wanted to run the installer for your favorite zsh framework, you could define a pkg.install hook like this:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

pkg.install() {
    utils.run_installer 'https://raw.github.com/zeekay/zeesh/master/scripts/install.sh'

The hooks available in your ellipsis.sh are:

Hook Description
pkg.init Run custom init code when a shell is spawned.
pkg.add Customizes how files are added to your package.
pkg.remove Customizes how files are removed from your package.
pkg.install Custom installation steps before linking the package.
pkg.installed Customize how a package is listed as installed.
pkg.link Customizes which files are linked into $ELLIPSIS_HOME.
pkg.links Customizes which files are detected as symlinks.
pkg.pull Customize how changes are pulled in when ellipsis pull is used.
pkg.push Customize how changes are pushed when ellipsis push is used.
pkg.status Customize the output of ellipsis status.
pkg.uninstall Custom uninstall steps to undo the install steps.
pkg.unlink Customize which files are unlinked by your package.
pkg.reinstall Customize the re-install behavior.

Lets look at this in more detail!


When you ellipsis install a package, ellipsis:

  1. git clone's the package into ~/.ellipsis/packages.
  2. Changes the current working dir to the package.
  3. Sets $PKG_NAME and $PKG_PATH.
  4. Sources the package's ellipsis.sh (if one exists).
  5. Executes the package's pkg.install hook if available.
  6. Executes the package's pkg.link hook if available, else the default link hook is run.

The default link hook symlinks all non-hidden files (read: not beginning with a .) into $ELLIPSIS_HOME (typically $HOME). A few common text files like the README, LICENSE, etc are not linked.


The pkg.install hook lets you run custom install steps. The hook is run after cloning the repo. This is the place to install plugin managers, dependencies,...

If the install hook returns with return code 1, the installation is aborted.

The pkg.link hook lets you customize which files are linked. It is recommended to use the fs.link_file function, because it provides backup capability's.


When you ellipsis uninstall a package, ellipsis:

  1. Changes the current working dir to the package.
  2. Sets $PKG_NAME and $PKG_PATH.
  3. Sources the package's ellipsis.sh (if one exists).
  4. Executes the package's pkg.unlink hook if available, else the default unlink hook is run.
  5. Executes the package's pkg.uninstall hook if available.
  6. Deletes the package from the packages.

The default unlink hook removes all symlinks to the package from the $ELLIPSIS_HOME (typically $HOME).

The pkg.unlink hook lets you customize which files are unlinked. It should almost always be used when using a custom pkg.link hook.


The pkg.uninstall hook lets you run custom uninstall steps. If your pkg.install hook does anything outside of the PKG_PATH this is the place to restore the original state.


If the init system is used, all pkg.init hooks will be called when a new shell is spawned. How to enable the init system is explained in the init chapter.


This hook is called when a new shell is spawned. It can be used to add functions, aliases, exports,... to the environment. The ellipsis api won't be directly available from this hook. You can use the ellipsis api command to access it, but for performance reasons it's not recommended.

Attention: As this code will be sourced by the users shell (which could be any shell), this hook should be written with POSIX compliancy in mind!

Other hooks


Alter the way an existing (dot)file is added to your package. By default the file will be moved to your package and linked to it's original location. New files will not be tracked by Git.


Alter the way a (dot)file is deleted from your package. By default the file will be moved to it's original location. The file will not be untracked by Git.


Alter the way a repository is pushed to git. This can be useful if you also need to push submodules for example.


Custom update hook, code to update plugins or submodules, recompile files,... goes here. Don't forget to update the package itself by calling the original update hook (hooks.pull).

The 'pkg.links' hook is purely informational and should echo the links to the package. This hook is not used by the unlink hook, so you should still unlink all custom links with the pkg.unlink hook.


This hook should echo information about the installed version of your package, and is purely informational.


This hook should echo information about the installation status of your package. The hook is only used for informing the user.


The pkg.reinstall hook lets you run custom reinstall steps. The hook is run when the reinstall command is called.

By default the the unlink and uninstall hook is called followed by the install and link hook. The package will not be cloned from version control again.


Here's a more complete example (from zeekay/files):

#!/usr/bin/env bash

pkg.link() {
    fs.link_files common

    case $(os.platform) in
            fs.link_files platform/cygwin
            fs.link_files platform/osx
            fs.link_files platform/freebsd
            fs.link_files platform/linux

...and here's a slightly more complex example (from zeekay/vim):

#!/usr/bin/env bash

pkg.link() {
    files=(gvimrc vimrc vimgitrc vimpagerrc xvimrc)

    # link files into $HOME
    for file in ${files[@]}; do
        fs.link_file $file

    # link package into $HOME/.vim
    fs.link_file $PKG_PATH

pkg.install() {
    cd ~/.vim/addons

    # install dependencies
    git.clone https://github.com/zeekay/vice
    git.clone https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager

helper() {
    # run command for ourselves

    # run command for each addon
    for addon in ~/.vim/addons/*; do
        # git status/push only repos which are ours
        if [ $1 = "git.pull" ] || [ "$(cat $addon/.git/config | grep url | grep $ELLIPSIS_USER)" ]; then
            cd $addon
            $1 vim/$(basename $addon)

pkg.pull() {
    helper git.pull

pkg.status() {
    helper hooks.status

pkg.push() {
    helper git.push

...and another example (from groggemans/vim):


# Minimal ellipsis version

# Package dependencies (informational/not used!)


pkg.install() {
    # Create vim folders
    mkdir -p "$PKG_PATH"/{undo,swap,spell}

    # Install Vundle
    mkdir -p "$PKG_PATH/bundle"
    cd "$PKG_PATH/bundle"
    git.clone https://github.com/vundlevim/vundle.vim

    # Run vim and install plugins
        vim +PluginInstall +qall -u "$PKG_PATH/install.vim"

    # Install YouCompleteMe
    if [ -f "$PKG_PATH/bundle/youcompleteme/install.py" ]; then


pkg.link() {
    # Link vimrc
    fs.link_file vimrc

    # Link package into ~/.config/vim
    mkdir -p "$ELLIPSIS_HOME/.config"
    fs.link_file "$PKG_PATH" "$ELLIPSIS_HOME/.config/vim"
    fs.link_file "$PKG_PATH" "$ELLIPSIS_HOME/.config/nvim"


pkg.links() {
    local files="$ELLIPSIS_HOME/.config/vim $ELLIPSIS_HOME/.config/nvim $ELLIPSIS_HOME/.vimrc"

    msg.bold "${1:-$PKG_NAME}"
    for file in $files; do
        local link="$(readlink "$file")"
        echo "$(path.relative_to_packages "$link") -> $(path.relative_to_home "$file")";


pkg.pull() {
    # Update dot-vim repo

    # Update plugins (clean than install and update)
        vim +PluginClean! +PluginInstall! +qall -u "$PKG_PATH/install.vim"


pkg.unlink() {
    # Remove config dir
    rm "$ELLIPSIS_HOME/.config/vim"
    rm "$ELLIPSIS_HOME/.config/nvim"

    # Remove all links in the home folder


pkg.uninstall() {
    : # No action


You should also checkout the package index for more examples!